October is crazy warm

Well, I am just amazed at the high humidity and heat this October. We have all the wood in which is a huge relief and let me tell you the aches and pains seem to be lingering.

Tomatoes, calendulas and beets in my garden.

I had huge difficulties with cucumber beetles this year. They ate every single cucumber and squash plant so I replanted. Luckily I managed to harvest some zucchini and a handful of cucumber. I think I will grow these crops under remay cloth next year. I have never seen so many bugs before. We even saw masses of Japanese beetles and they killed off the raspberries and many of the grapevines. I went around dumping beetles in a soapy water bucket but I didn’t seem to help the damage.

I harvested the garlic in July. It is beautiful! I have just planted the new crop and covered it with leaves for winter. I also sowed winter rye in the garden as a green manure cover crop. I have not done this before so I am learning as I go. Great fun! Gardens give great joy.

winter rye

I left a strip of my calendula flowers in the garden. They are still blooming and the little bees are enjoying them. It is almost November!

So many tomatoes so lovely