How to transfer patterns to the backing (foundation)

How to Transfer my Pattern to my Backing:

1. Red Dot Tracing Fabric – A gauze type of transparent material with red dots and squares every inch. Used for transferring patterns. However, I have had great success with an inexpensive type of fabric netting (wedding netting) from Walmart. Pin the netting to the paper pattern and just draw over it. Then transfer it to your backing.

2. Iron on Pencil- Can be used to transfer a design with a hot iron. Be aware that the pattern will be backwards unless you trace the underside of the paper pattern.

3. Light Box- If you have a clear glass coffee table (or even patio table) try placing the paper pattern on the table, then place your backing on top of that. Shine a very bright light under the table and you should be able to see the paper pattern markings through your backing. You may want to place clear plastic on the glass first, although any stray markings of permanent marker can be rubbed off with rubbing alcohol or hairspray.

4. Patio Door- Same idea as the light box, but tape ( I use masking tape) your paper pattern to the glass door, and then tape your backing to that. The strong light of day should shine through and you should be able to just trace your pattern onto your backing. This is dependent on the weather, and this method as well as the light box only work with an open weave type of backing. What kind of permanent markers are best? Well, I have been using the Sharpie permanents for many, many years, and never had a problem, they’ve never faded and I can probably trace off 6 patterns per marker. However, recently, I tried the “Bic Mark It” fine point perm markers. I can get 8 patterns per marker! They are a bit finer point than the Sharpies though, but on the bonus side, they have less odour, which is important in the winter when I have all the windows shut when it is -20 outside! That being said, it is buyer beware, as the Bic company has a blurb written on their packaging “not recommended for cloth”. Not sure about that, but I’ve had no problem this year with them.